
11pcs Roses bouquet with a mini bear


Red roses 11 stalks matching with a mini bear seasonal flowers bouquet  will make your love more valuable

Due to seasonal variations some items may be substituted to produce a display of equal quality and value.
Delivery fee: Kowloon – free(except Lam Tin/ Yau Tong); Lam Tin/ Yau Tong / Tsang Kwan O HK Island $60; New Territories HK$90;Discovery Bay HK$180 Airport HK$220




Red roses 11 stalks matching with a mini bear seasonal flowers bouquet  will make your love more valuable

Due to seasonal variations some items may be substituted to produce a display of equal quality and value.
Delivery fee: Kowloon – free(except Lam Tin/ Yau Tong); Lam Tin/ Yau Tong / Tsang Kwan O HK Island $60; New Territories HK$90;Discovery Bay HK$180 Airport HK$220


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