貨號: 25-1248 分類:

滿滿祝褔 – 果籃連名貴白酒 Fruit basket with white wine


『根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。』 “Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

高貴大方的寶箱配上10種新鮮時果(約 18-22個)及名貴白酒75cl, 氣派高雅適合佳節饋贈商業伙伴或摯愛親朋的最佳禮物。
規格 : 36 x 24 x 20 公分

生果種類(只供參考): 金柚, 豐水梨, 提子, 富士果, 楊桃, 火龍果, 芒果, 士多啤梨, 蘋果, 橙, 奇異果, 布冧, 香蕉, 木瓜等

送貨費:九龍 免費(藍田/油塘 除外);藍田/油塘/香港區/清水灣/將軍澳 HK$60; 新界區 HK$90;愉景灣/機場區 : HK$220

– 各種食品、水果、籃, 如售罄或缺貨會以其他相同價值產品代替。

– 所有相片只供參考, 貨品價格及各條文如有更改,恕不另行通知。



Sumptuous healthy gift ~ An unique elegant fruit basket filled with 10 items of fresh fruits(appox.18-22 pcs) & white wine 75cl to spread your best greetings.
Approx : 36 x 24 x 20 cm

Fruits (For reference only): Pomelo, pears, Grapes, Fuji apples, Starfruits, Pitaya, Mangoes, Strawberries, Apples, Oranges, Kiwi fruit, Bananas, papaya, etc.,

Delivery feeKowloon (except Lam Tin , Yau Tong), except Lam Tin , Yau Tong /Hong Kong Island / Clearwater Bay/Tseung Kwan O HK$60; New Territories HK$90;Discovery Bay/Airport HK$220 

Due to seasonal variations some items may be substituted to produce a display of equal quality and value, photo for reference only.


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