
歡度佳節6 – 中果籃連美心月餅 Fruit basket with Maxim’s mooncake(Medium)


中秋節果籃盛滿10種新鮮時果配美心雙黃白蓮蓉月餅一盒, 精美包裝大方得體。
規格:(長)43 x (闊) 35 x (高) 13 cm

生果種類(只供參考): 金柚, 水晶梨, 豐水梨, 提子, 富士果, 楊桃, 火龍果, 水蜜桃, 芒果, 士多啤梨, 蘋果, 橙, 奇異果, 布冧, 香蕉, 木瓜等

– 此款禮品送貨地區只適用於中國、台灣或澳門
– 價格已包括送貨費
– 生果、裝飾物或籃如售罄或缺貨,會以其他相同價值產品或款式代替 (相片謹供參考)



A wicker basket filled with 10 types of the best available seasonal fresh fruits with a box of Maxim’s white lotus seed paste mooncake (2 Yolks), decorated with organza lace.
Approx : (L) 43 x (W) 35 x (H) 13 cm

Fruits (For reference only): Pomelo, pears, Grapes, Fuji apples, peach, Starfruits, Pitaya, Mangoes, Strawberries, Apples, Oranges, Kiwi fruit, Bananas, papaya, etc.,

Remarks :
– This product available deliver to ChinaTaiwan or Macau only
– Price including delivery fee
– Due to seasonal variations some items may be substituted to produce a display of equal quality and value, photo for reference only.

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